Thursday, January 10, 2008

100km dirtworks - tarini update

nick from work just spoke to me and i am really keen to do the dirt works 100km ride this year. camp the night ride all day... then die/sleep all day sunday. sounds like my type of weekend!

karen and the boys just called to say they have picked up all the tarini upgrades. pretty exciting weekend ahead. i also went the full fixie last night and removed the front brake, and returned to 46/16 = 77.62 GR.

i am going to do the grose point ride this weekend rather than blue gum swamp. looking to set out early sunday morning to be back early to beat the heat.

Seen in Sydney pt3
I'm 90% sure she has returned home yesterday! thank good i feel much better about it all now.

I have now downsize my commuter pack to the torpedo 7 hydration pack i picked up a while back for $25. tis much better for commuting between the house and the silver ghost pickup point. the blackwolf 30 was just too big.

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